Equipment Available for Sale & Rent
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Non EPA – Located in the UK. – Equipped with A/C Cab, Heated Tray, 27.00X49 Tires
Non EPA – Located in the UK. – Equipped with A/C Cab, Heated Tray, 27.00X49 Tires
Equipped with A/C Cab, Retarder, 29.00R35 Tires
Equipped with A/C Cab, Retarder, Auto Lube and 24.00R35 Tires.
Equipped with: A/C Cab, Retarder, 18.00R33 Tires
Equipped with A/C Cab, Retarder, Auto Lube, 24.00 R35 Tires.
Equipped with an A/C Cab, Tailgate, and 875/65R29 Tires.
Equipped with an A/C Cab, Tailgate and 875/65R29 Tires.
Equipped with A/C Cab, Tailgate, 23.5 R25 Tires and Retarder.
Equipped with A/C Cab, With or Without Tailgate.
Equipped with SU Dozer, A/C Cab, S.S. Ripper, CPT Rebuild at 14,000 Hrs.
Equipped with A/C Cab, SS Ripper, and SU Dozer or U Blade.
Equipped with NEW SU Dozer, A/C Cab, and S.S. Ripper.
Equipped with an SU Blade, A/C Cab and MS Ripper.
Equipped with a 6-Way Blade, A/C Cab, Ripper Optional
Equipped with an SU Dozer, A/C Cab, and MS Ripper.
Equipped with an SU Dozer with tilt, A/C Cab, and an S.S. Ripper
Equipped with A/C Cab, Side & Rear Spray, Hose Reel, 8K Tank, Water Cannon, and 29.5 R25 Tires.
Equipped with Pat Blade, A/C Cab, Sweeps and MS Ripper
Equipped with enclosed cab, A/C, weeps, 150″ wide PAT blade, 24″ single grouser track shoes, 1 cylinder multi-shank ripper
Equipped with an SU Blade, A/C Cab, and MS Ripper.